11050 Lamey Bridge Road, D'Iberville, MS 39540
2286973199 john@cprtogo.org

Recent AHA CPR changes emphasize a chest-compression-only technique for certain conditions

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), 90% of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victims who aren’t under medical supervision don’t survive. The good news is that immediate administration of CPR can as much as triple the chance of surviving cardiac arrest. In response these tragic statistics, the AHA re-analyzed their recommended…


The Difference Between Red Cross & American Heart Association’s CPR Training

While both associations are somewhat comparable in terms of quality of training and legitimacy of certification, there are some differences. The American Heart Association is a Leader in research & statistics One significant difference is that while the Red Cross promotes recent research, the American Heart Association are the researchers,…


Five simple ways to save a life

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — Quick: What would you do if you impaled yourself with a large, sharp, piece of wood? If your tooth fell out? If you fell from a high ladder? If your friend had a severe allergic reaction? Even if you don’t have first aid training, there are…